The Soul Garden
The Soul Garden
How a business coach can help your dream

How a business coach can help your dream

Setting up your own business can be incredibly exciting, rewarding and stimulating – but it can also be hard!

I learned two things (possibly the hard way!) in pursuing my dream of creating Archeus and the Centre for Nature Connection. One was: you are going to learn more about courage than you ever realized you needed to know; and the other thing is you should never be afraid to reach out and ask for help or guidance.

In this week’s episode I talked to business coach, Tony Walker, about the role a business coach can play in helping you as you build your dream.

You can find out more about Tony at Tony Walker Coaching

Tony's radio programme is on Radio Kidnappers

If you have a dream to set up your own natural skincare or products company then you may also get a lot out of my online course: The Eco Artisan. I’ve pulled together everything I‘ve learned about setting up a natural skincare business AND how to place nature at the heart of every business decision. The Eco Artisan can be studied in your own time and at your own pace. It is packed full of information, videos and downloadable resources. It won’t tell you how to make your formulas, but it will give you everything else you need to know to set up an eco-conscious business for the 21st Century.

Georgina Langdale x

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Archeus Apothecary

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The Soul Garden
The Soul Garden
Artist, soul guide and ecotherapist Georgina Langdale explores the healing power of nature, wisdom of mystics, and the magic that can be found as we navigate life transitions.