The Soul Garden
The Soul Garden
Creating a Soul-Aligned Life

Creating a Soul-Aligned Life

In this episode of The Soul Garden, Georgina Langdale takes a look at how the wisdom of the Florentine philosopher, physician and priest, Marsilio Ficino, can help us to create a soul-aligned life.

 When I look at soul, I really think of this heart space for me, soul is where we truly reside within ourselves with no ego, with no fears and sense of competition or comparison. It is just where we truly are. It is the things that light us up. So when we are really in touch with what our soul needs, we can really start to live and work in a way that supports our well-being, our emotional wellbeing, physical wellbeing. It can help allay stress and fear and anxiety. And in this day and age, I just think that's so important.

I've found over the past few years when been coaching clients or doing my own work, my own artistic pursuits and things, I really draw on the work of Marsilio Ficino and his ideas to help myself and to help others reach that point of really understanding their inner landscape and the things that feed their soul.

In this episode of the Soul Garden I describe this process and how it can take you from feeling like you are not doing what you came here to do, to living a life with a purpose that makes your soul sing.

To listen to the Soul Garden interview with Thomas Moore click here

To learn more about my Soul-Aligned purpose offering click here

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The Soul Garden
The Soul Garden
Artist, soul guide and ecotherapist Georgina Langdale explores the healing power of nature, wisdom of mystics, and the magic that can be found as we navigate life transitions.